Holland Park Gardens isn't just for joggers


I’m not sure where the line is on when a green space in London is a park or a garden. Let’s say, if you see joggers = park, if you see groups of pensioners = garden.

I used to work in Holland Park and remembered it as much more of a park but with the dahlias, the Japanese Kyoto Garden and the many many benches it definitely has garden vibes. Not that there was any room for any interest in gardens when I was working in the area in my early twenties, what with all the raving. :-)

I visited early this month (September) so the roses were slightly over, but highlights included a huge fig tree, the Kyoto Garden (especially the peacocks) and a small garden off the formal box hedge gardens with the most wonderful selection of dahlias.

There were bees and squirrels everywhere, woodland showing the signs of early autumn and some lovely water birds. The tropical plants in the Holland Park Avenue entrance were really holding their own too.

Looks like it’s worth going back for the Dutch garden in bloom in spring or the colours in the Kyoto once autumn is fully with us.

If you go in the morning expect peace and tranquility, if you go during the day expect a few tourists in the Kyoto Garden and lots of rather posh, small boys called Henry (there’s a big adventure playground).

Holland Park Gardens - Tropical
Holland Park Gardens - Arched Seating

~ The Kyoto Garden ~

~ The Peachy Dahlias ~

~ The Big Fig ~

“The garden is a love song, a duet between a human being and Mother Nature”
Jeff Cox


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