Forty + Friendship


I wasn't looking forward to turning 40...In fact, despite loving a party, my birthday has always been something to tolerate, rather than enjoy.My friend Lucy said to me after my dad died "Milestones are a fucker"... she's right of course, but actually I've always felt that. Even on my 30th, I had a right old melt down on the day, because I wasn't where I thought I should be.But after anticipating the oncoming bullshit of the big 40, the outcome was not what I feared.Having friends from school and university years, means we've all turned 40 together... 1940s parties, dinner parties, beach parties, fancy dress parties - I've left the house as a lion and a carrot this year for my mates - we've been to New York and a wonderful few days in Ibiza.What I didn't realise at the beginning of the year was that this year wasn't


about turning 40, it was about us all turning 40 together and a celebration of what wonderful friends we are.As women, we define ourselves by many things. How we look, how successful we are, if we're a good mother/daughter/partner. What we've overcome or how happy we are or should be.If only we gave more room to defining ourselves by our friendships.We should give more credit to the conversations we've all been having with the women we care about for years. Those chats that have made such a difference, defined so many decisions and given SO much support.This year has been a heart-warming reminder that there are wonderful things that come with age. That while life has been happening, friendships have been cherished and grown wisely.So in our 40th year, it's like...


Look how much we love and support each other.
Look how great we all are.


Copper Gardening Tools with Love


Roasted Beetroots, Goats Cheese + Hazelnut Crumb